Declaration on digital accessibility

The German Music Council endeavors to make the website accessible without barriers. The website should be designed in such a way that it complies with the National Legislation Implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament, the Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen - BGG NRW (§ 10 to § 10e) and the Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung Nordrhein-Westfalen - BITVNRW. is largely barrier-free. We see accessibility as an ongoing process, which is why our website is constantly being reviewed and optimized. The requirements of BITV 2.0 are largely fulfilled from a technical point of view.

The company Fixpunkt GmbH ( from Bonn carries out the technical accessibility check. The aim is to significantly improve the result generated by the SaaS tool “Eye Able”. Fixpunkt's optimization is also based on the test steps of the BITV test. See here:

We use Eye-Able®, a holistic provider for digital accessibility, to fulfill the principles of accessibility on

Which areas are not accessible?

  • PDF documents are not always barrier-free. We are making every effort to remove any remaining barriers.
  • Not all videos embedded on the website have subtitles or a transcript. The problem will be gradually resolved. (BITV test step
  • Images and graphics without an informative function mostly contain an alternative text (BITV test step

Who can you contact if you have comments or questions about digital accessibility?
If you would like to contact the German Music Council, you are welcome to send an email with your comments, suggestions and questions on the subject of accessibility. In particular, you can inform us of any shortcomings.

Your contact persons:
For the DMR gGmbH website in Bonn: Ms. Mirja Schmitz,
For the DMR e.V. website in Berlin: Mr. Immanuel Beyreuther

Contact the ombudsman's office for accessible information technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
If you have not received a satisfactory response to your messages or inquiries, you can contact the ombudsman's office for accessible information technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The ombudsman's office for accessible information technology in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is assigned to the state government's representative for people with disabilities in North Rhine-Westphalia. The ombudsman's office can be contacted on 0211 855 34 51 or by e-mail.

Further information about the ombudsman's office can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Further tips and information on the topic

Offer for visually impaired and blind people
Eye-Able assistance software

This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website
This declaration was created in December 2024.

I am ...

Musicians can sing or play in the ensembles of the German Music Council, the Federal Youth Orchestra, the Federal Jazz Orchestra and the Federal Youth Choir, and take part in competitions. With four other projects in the area of promotion, the German Music Council supports young, highly talented musicians, conductors, composers and interpreters of contemporary music as well as pop musicians on their way to a professional musical life and builds a bridge between musicians, organizers and the public. In addition, the German Music Information Center (miz) offers a central information point on all topics of musical life.



The German Music Council is the sponsor of the competitions for children and young people: Jugend musiziert and Jugend jazzt, the competitions for professional musicians: the German Music Competition, the German Conducting Award (formerly the German Conducting Prize) and the German Choral Conducting Award, as well as the competitions for amateur musicians: theGerman Choir Competition and the German Orchestra Competition.

The German Music Council (Deutscher Musikrat e. V.) is the mouthpiece and initiator of music policy issues for its members.

The numerous advantages of a membership in the German Music Council e.V. compiled for you.

Under the menu item MEDIA you will find our press page with all the latest news, our press page with the press contacts and the publications.

Promoting young musicians in the ensemblesof the German Music Council also includes performing on stage in front of an audience. The project leaders are happy to accept requests for engagements. The German Music Competition concert promotion program arranges approximately 200 concerts a year for concert organizers and concert series.

Music educators will find concepts and working materials for music lessons at the Podium Gegenwart's educational projects. Current developments in music policy and studies can be found in the "Music Education" section, as well as specialist articles on this topic at the German Music Information Center.

With the German Music Information Center, the German Music Council offers a central information point on all topics of musical life.