Silke D’Inka
Silke D'Inka is the national conductor of the German Harmonica Association (DHV), where she has been involved in an honorary capacity for many years, and is a member of the orchestra section of the German Amateur Choir and Orchestra Association (BMCO). In addition, she is Managing Direc-tor of the outstanding and highly travelled Baden-Württemberg Accordion Youth Orchestra, having previously been the group’s Concertmaster and for two years its Musical Director. She studied at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, majoring in accordion, conducting, and elementary music education, and subsequently completed soloist classes in conducting and arranging. She also studied musicology and psychology at the University of Freiburg. D'Inka lives in Freiburg and works as an independent music teacher, conductor, and soloist. Her activities include teaching instru-ments from pre-school age onward and strengthening amateur orchestral music, as well as working with youth orchestras, professionals, and music policy associations. She looks back on numerous concert activities in Europe, Australia, China, India, Costa Rica, Russia, and the USA.