Winter 2025 | Bielefeld

10.01.2025 | Bielefeld

Musizierende Jugendliche im Orchester


Bundesjugendorchester goes „very british“: Zum Auftakt des Konzertjahres 2025 geht es für die jungen Talente vom legendären Musikverein Wien über die Elbphilharmonie Hamburg bis nach Großbritannien. Gemeinsam mit dem Pianisten und Dirigenten Wayne Marshall widmen sie sich den drei Komponisten Britten, Gershwin und Holst.

Passend zum jugendlichen Esprit der Musiktalente spielen sie Benjamin Brittens Klassiker „The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra“, der bis heute dem Publikum die Bandbreite eines Orchesters spielerisch nahe bringt. Mitreißende Motive und Variationen machen George Gershwins „Rhapsody in Blue“ zu einem der beliebtesten „Jazz-Stücke für den Konzertsaal“. Und mit Gustav Holsts Orchestersuite „The Planets“ greifen die jungen Musiker:innen schließlich zu den Sternen. Mit dabei: Die Deutsch-Britische Chorakademie als kosmisch-bezaubernder Fernchor.

Benjamin Britten (1913–1976)
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra op. 34

George Gershwin (1898–1937)
„Rhapsody in Blue“ für Klavier und Orchester

Gustav Holst (1874–1934)
„The Planets“ (Die Planeten) op. 32


Deutsch-Britische Chorakademie (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Royal Northern College of Music)
Wayne Marshall Klavier und Dirigent


20:00 pm


Lampingstraße 16, 33615 Bielefeld

Kind of event

Konzert , Konzerttournee

More information

Visit website


€ 33,50/28,50/23,50/18,50


I am ...

Musicians can sing or play in the ensembles of the German Music Council, the Federal Youth Orchestra, the Federal Jazz Orchestra and the Federal Youth Choir, and take part in competitions. With four other projects in the area of promotion, the German Music Council supports young, highly talented musicians, conductors, composers and interpreters of contemporary music as well as pop musicians on their way to a professional musical life and builds a bridge between musicians, organizers and the public. In addition, the German Music Information Center (miz) offers a central information point on all topics of musical life.



The German Music Council is the sponsor of the competitions for children and young people: Jugend musiziert and Jugend jazzt, the competitions for professional musicians: the German Music Competition, the German Conducting Award (formerly the German Conducting Prize) and the German Choral Conducting Award, as well as the competitions for amateur musicians: theGerman Choir Competition and the German Orchestra Competition.

The German Music Council (Deutscher Musikrat e. V.) is the mouthpiece and initiator of music policy issues for its members.

The numerous advantages of a membership in the German Music Council e.V. compiled for you.

Under the menu item MEDIA you will find our press page with all the latest news, our press page with the press contacts and the publications.

Promoting young musicians in the ensemblesof the German Music Council also includes performing on stage in front of an audience. The project leaders are happy to accept requests for engagements. The German Music Competition concert promotion program arranges approximately 200 concerts a year for concert organizers and concert series.

Music educators will find concepts and working materials for music lessons at the Podium Gegenwart's educational projects. Current developments in music policy and studies can be found in the "Music Education" section, as well as specialist articles on this topic at the German Music Information Center.

With the German Music Information Center, the German Music Council offers a central information point on all topics of musical life.